Final pieces

This project on Photoshop took me about 6 hours to finish. The difficult part was creating the mask for the zebra stripes on the chair. I had to go in and refine each section in attempt to make sure the final look wouldn't be clumpy or overdrawn. I had a really fun time reimagining this image of myself at a Christmas Party in the past.
When picking out my color schemes, I wanted to make one that was "christmas-y" and joyful to really bring out the environment of the picture itself. For another I wanted to bring out the animal aspect of the chair and bring in a safari or natural feeling and for the last pallet I wanted colors that would give a cold and calm affect for the weather that people usually feel around Christmas time. Even without my explanation of which one is which, I believe that I did a decent job in this project for someone to pinpoint the different themes I wanted to accomplish.
I really enjoy the color schemes that you chose for this project. I believe they complement the picture setting really well. I really enjoy the detail that you put into changing the color of the chair you are sitting on because that looks like a difficult task. The only advice I would give would be to add different lighting in the background so the entire picture is in that scheme but overall, great work!