Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Pre-Somewhere Post

(1) For the image that I thought would be somewhat difficult for me to photoshop myself into was this photo of the Jenner/Kardashian clan. The challenge would be not removing anyone and only adding to the picture. With that challenge in mind, I think I would try and expand the style of the photograph and incorporate similar clothing and makeup with myself and maybe others to create a balance when adding to the picture. It would be a long process, but an interesting challenge in both beauty and skill.

(2) For an image of inspiration, I really wanted to do a scene that most people have seen or know of. With images or scenes that are in the public eye for a long time and hold a reputation of being a classic or famous, when people photoshop themselves into these type of scenes, they seem to be funnier, relatable and things people understand because it is part of popular culture. 

(3) This image really made me laugh because it hardly had anything to do with photoshop which took me by surprise. With the thought of photoshop, people expect to get rid of the "ugly" things, yet I think with a funny message like this, there comes the thought of the negative side of photoshop. People do not think about the ethics of "deleting ugly" or something "unwanted." Which I think is the subtle message this artist has when creating these posts.

(4) I would really like to recreate this type of illusion. I always look for fun ways to create different images and this one looks simple enough for me to do with my friends. I think that the perspectives in camera work is really important and this really inspires me to use reflections and glass more often.

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